Thursday, June 4, 2009

Mobile Gaming Supremacy

Dell's XPSTM M1730 is a mobile gaming stud. With exclusives like AGEIA® PhysXTM Accelerator and the latest next-gen NVIDIA® SLI® technology, the M1730 features an awe-inspiring design and cooler-than-thou features like a built-in stats tracker and 16-color, programmable LightFXTM lighting.
Full-Throttle Visual AdrenalineThe world's first laptop with the AGEIA PhysX physics processing unit, the M1730 offers the most powerful Dell laptop gaming experience ever.
The AGEIA PhysX Accelerator - a Dell laptop exclusive - accelerates the scale and quality of real-time physics on PhysX-enabled games, for a level of dynamic motion and interaction never before experienced in mobile gaming. With a PhysX card, things don't just look real; they act real and seem real.

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